Many current and future college students need help to pay forcollege. Especially with tuition rates going up every year, studentsare looking for ways to pay for their college eduction. Studentloans may be a necessity, but there are other sources of funding thatwill help pay for school. There are many opportunities to be awardedfunds that do not have to be repaid, as student loans do. Many students will qualify for government grants for college. Grants are awards based upon financial need that are given to students by the government.
How do students get money in the form of grants?Students apply for government grants for college by filling out the The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is the first stein the financial aid process. By completing this application form,students will be matched with aid programs that they qualify for.
The FAFSA is the one application form that is used by all public college sin the US to determine ineligibility for both loans and grants. Grantsare always free money — that is it doesn't have to be paid back.Grants may come in the form of federal grants or state grants. Student swill learn which grants they have been awarded when they get the results from the FAFSA back in the mail.
How do students get money in the form of grants?Students apply for government grants for college by filling out the The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is the first stein the financial aid process. By completing this application form,students will be matched with aid programs that they qualify for.
The FAFSA is the one application form that is used by all public college sin the US to determine ineligibility for both loans and grants. Grantsare always free money — that is it doesn't have to be paid back.Grants may come in the form of federal grants or state grants. Student swill learn which grants they have been awarded when they get the results from the FAFSA back in the mail.